Florida Foreclosure News
The latest collection of information on the web relating to Florida foreclosures
At our office these days, we spend most of our time immersed in the foreclosure mess. We have created this web page to help clients and ourselves keep track of what’s going on in the world of foreclosures, including foreclosure defense. While the news sources referenced here are by no means a substitute for the advice of a licensed Florida attorney, they will nonetheless keep you aware of any developments regarding foreclosure law and the latest news related to Florida foreclosures.
HAMP Lawsuits – Loan Modification Lawsuit: Borrowers Sue Banks for Failing to Do the Right Thing With Trial Period Plan Loan Modifications – Lenders Fail To Follow HAMP Requirements or Honor deals they offer Borrowers
Florida Mortgage Loan Modifications Denials and Modification Appeals: Submission and Re-Submitting of Loan Documents To Get Your Deal Done
Florida Bank Reject Your Loan Modification? It Seems to be Happening to Lots of South Florida Homeowners: What’s Up? Home Owners Are Suing Banks for Failed Modifications
Also Read: Setting Aside a Foreclosure Judgment
Also Read: Loan Modification Frustration – Stop The Foreclosure Process
Foreclosure Articles:
- Banks Cannot Legally Foreclose Upon Real Estate Loans They Don’t Own or Can’t Prove They Own
- What is HAFA? – Can HAFA Help? – Deficiency Judgment Relief
- Can the Bank Garnish My Wages During a Florida Foreclosure?
- Homeowners Are Not to Blame for the Foreclosure Mess
- Suspected Lender Fraud Opens Doors for Homeowners Who Have Lost Their Homes to Claim Wrongful Foreclosure
- Charges against Goldman Sachs can Help Foreclosure Defenses on Main Street
- Lenders Beware – Foreclosure Lawsuits are Going to Trial!
- Foreclosure Defenses are stopping Mortgage Foreclosures
- Can the Bank Garnish my Wages after Foreclosure if they are seeking a Deficiency Judgment against me?
- Prime Borrowers in Florida are most at risk for a Deficiency Judgment
- Florida Deficiency Judgments – What is Fair Market Value?
- Walking away from your Home Mortgage – Not without Consequences
- Florida Deficiency Judgments – The Rest of the Story
- Deficiency Judgments in Florida
- Renters’ Foreclosure – Know Your Rights
- Estate is Liable for Mortgage Deficiency, Not Heirs
- Florida Foreclosures – Dwyane Wade of the Miami Heat to the Rescue
- Are Big Banks Committing Short Sale Fraud?